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Australian Plants online

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"Australian Plants"....in print!

The Society's 48 page, colour (printed) journal, "Australian Plants" has been published quarterly since 1959. It carries articles of interest to both amateur growers and professionals in botany and horticulture. Its authors include the leading professional and amateur researchers working in with the Australian flora and many beautiful and high quality photographs of Australian plants are published in its pages. Topics covered by the journal cover a wide range and include landscaping, growing, botany, propagation and conservation.

A subscription to the print version of "Australian Plants" is $20 annually for 4 issues (overseas $AUS32) including postage. To subscribe, print out the Subscription Form and post or fax the appropriate fee to the address indicated on the form.

Note that the contents of "Australian Plants" and "Australian Plants online"
are totally different

These are some of the topics covered in recent issues of "Australian Plants":

'Australian Plants' - Cover Issue 172: September 2002


Growing Rainforest Plants
Eidothea hardeniana - Botany and Ecology of the 'Nightcap Oak'
Propagation of the Nightcap Oak
Book Review: Mangroves to Mountains
Brachychiton bidwillii: An Under-exploited species
Some Southern Rainforest Plants
Our Garden, Number 38
A Rare Honour for Gwen Harden
Book Review: The New Nature Cultivation of Stenocarpus species
Opisthiolepis heterophylla
Opisthiolepis heterophylla postscript
Tropical Waterlily - Nymphaea gigantea
'Australian Plants' - Cover Issue 173: December 2002


Banksia in Horticulture
'Robyn Gordon' Grevillea Complex
Some Rainforest Grevilleas
Our Garden, Number 39
Bill Payne - An Acknowledgement
Olearia viscosa
Xerochrysum the Correct Name for the Genus Bracteantha
Book Review: Starting Out With Natives: Easy-to-Grow Plants for Your Area
Kunzea baxteri
Banksia tricuspis
Update on Blandfordia
'Australian Plants' - Cover Issue 174: March 2003


The Correa Study Group
The Correa Lover and the Artist
Correas Make for Happy Memories
Katandra Gardens - A Home for Correas
Nangawooka - Land of Springs
Botanical List of Correa Species and Varieties
Descriptions of the Species, Varieties and Cultivars
Grafting Correa
Correas as Potted Colour
'Australian Plants' - Cover Issue 175: June 2003


Bringing it Back - The Shortland Wetlands story
Alec Blombery's Legacy
Rhododendron lochiae renamed
Book Review: A Hew Image for Western Australian Plants
The Sub-family Persoonioideae - a detailed review of the genus Persoonia and its relatives
Our Garden Number 40
Persoonia in Cultivation
Domestication of 'Golden Cascade' (Corynanthera flava)


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Australian Plants online - September 2003
Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants